Thursday, May 10, 2012

ABIA Exhibit

Austin Bergstrom International Airport Exhibit

I am thrilled to be showing my work at ABIA now thru August 7 along with fellow Bunkhouse Gang members Dena Wenmohs and Ruth Meader. If you are flying into or out of ABIA this summer be sure to go by and see the exhibit. It's in the Artspace Gallery West, behind the bookstore and next to the food court.

Here are the paintings I have hanging.

Arno River from the Ponte Vecchio, Florance, It.
Oil on board

Ironbridge, England, Pastel. The show poster uses this image.

 Musician on San Marco Sq., Venice, It.
Oil on canvas

Morning on the Texas Gulf Coast

Gulf Coast Morning
Oil on canvas

Morning on the Marsh
Oil on canvas